Two to five-thirty this afternoon was all mine. The boys had a play date at Atlantic Beach. Zach gets to play with son and Steve plays (guitar) with the father. Two birds with one stone. So I swept, and laundered and straightened up the place. Picked some basil and tomatoes for tonight's pasta. Sat down with my Bible and devotional book and had some quiet time with God. After that I sat, and sat in different spots in the house, always looking out the window. Today's weather is windy and (patchy) rainy. (This afternoon, a tornado actually touched down on Breezy Point. Really? Here in New York?) I love looking at rain through the window. I love looking at trees and their leaves dancing with the wind, through the window. I love looking through windows. Period.
I watched the shadows of leaves dancing with the wind in the afternoon sun |
I sat at the kitchen and looked through the French door. I listened to the windchimes play. |
tomatoes come in trickles now |
I love to watch the grapevine climb up the fence by my bedroom window. When the soft afternoon sun hits the vine, the leaves turn chartreuse and the leaves' stems get redder. |
sitting across the living room window lets me see my potted fig trees, my neighbor's terrace across the street, and people passing by |
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