Monday, November 25, 2013

Eye Candy

Today arrived my eye candies for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. One American author (Elizabeth Elliot) to get me thinking about quiet solitude with God, and the rest, female British authors  from of old simply for entertainment.

I cannot wait for some quiet breaks to simply curl up with a fluffy blanket, a mug of tea or chocolate and any of these books.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Tea and journaling....they go together well. If in the springtime, you plant some herbs like sage, thyme, basil, mint, lemongrass, then you will have a lot to use for tea all summer long.

tea and thinking and writing....

this lemon grass waits to be made into tea

write your thoughts...feelings...your doings day in and day out....write about your blessings and happiness....

your journal is your memorial of everything that God did for you...
write about HIM...

write about the good and the beautiful  times and experiences that touched your being
when you go back to it, you will realize how blessed you are....