Sunday, December 08, 2013

Langka (Jackfruit)

Last summer I  went to H-Mart at Bayside, Queens and found a mountain of jackfruits sold by the pound. Each fruit was bigger (and heavier) than my torso, I'd have to spend close to $35 to take  home a whole piece, so I opted for the sliced  pieces, just to get my portion of  nostalgia down memory lane (of eating sweet tasting and sweet smelling jackfruit). Boy was I surprised! I did not expect this piece to be so sweet as the jackfruit I've eaten  in the Philippines.

The sweetest jackfruit I've eaten in America.  So pleasantly surprised!

Smells as sweet as it tastes!!!

Even these strips tasted so sweet, I could not throw them away. I had to eat them too!

The seeds were boiled, and they tasted like chestnuts.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Eye Candy

Today arrived my eye candies for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. One American author (Elizabeth Elliot) to get me thinking about quiet solitude with God, and the rest, female British authors  from of old simply for entertainment.

I cannot wait for some quiet breaks to simply curl up with a fluffy blanket, a mug of tea or chocolate and any of these books.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Tea and journaling....they go together well. If in the springtime, you plant some herbs like sage, thyme, basil, mint, lemongrass, then you will have a lot to use for tea all summer long.

tea and thinking and writing....

this lemon grass waits to be made into tea

write your thoughts...feelings...your doings day in and day out....write about your blessings and happiness....

your journal is your memorial of everything that God did for you...
write about HIM...

write about the good and the beautiful  times and experiences that touched your being
when you go back to it, you will realize how blessed you are....

Saturday, October 26, 2013

NoodleFight...Eeeyyyaaahhhhh!!!! (The Prowess of Mommah is Revealed)

this mommah can fight!

whoosh! She disarms him!

and follows it up with a big thwack!

whatta lady beast!

no mercy, man!

Getting up after  his defeat.
TRUTH is,  Dad is a real gentleman.
He just defended himself and  never hit mommah  even once.
(even if his weapon was a soft noodle)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Spatchcocked Cornish Hens

Easiest meal to make...spatchcock them hens....shower with salt and pepper and  olive oil.... throw in some potatoes, and  tomatoes.... put in oven @400 F for 30 minutes....then 350 F for an hour.  Serve and enjoy!

Chicken Tagine

We Filipinos have our curvaceous and voluptuous  "Palayok", the Spanish have their  "Cazuelas", the Moroccans have their "Tagines."   I got these Tagines a couple of years ago and never got around to cooking with them. I made sure to use them this summer, but first I soaked them in water overnight before I put in all the ingredients for my own version of Chicken Tagine.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Day in the LIfe of Cap'n America...

We woke up this morning to a gray cloudy day

And it happens to be Cap'n  'Merica's day off, and although he said  there will be no rescues to be made today, he put on his suit (just in case) and picked up the bag of stale bread, and bravely headed on.
That's right, today's mission on his day off is "feed the birds"

And off he went, throwing a piece here, and a piece there......

Soon the birds congregated for the homemade stale bread

What a hero!!! Even to the birds!!!!

Now these three are the smart ones, they do not like their bread thrown in the sand. They don't like their chow gritty. They like their provisions thrown in the air and they catch the pieces with their beaks.

And CAP'n likes that!

They do land too for some rest, yah?

Cap'n is growing so tall and lean...hey..what's that?....

Did you know he is a big fan of  Sponge Bob Square Pants?
(yep, he wears his Sponge Bob Square Pants crocs on his day off)

and the action continues....

A cute lady jogs by but Cap'n notices not...

His mission must come first....

Cap'n is slowing down a bit.....something is  the matter, Cap?
Oooops, nothing serious, just a little wedgie there...

and he belts out a loud was just a wedgie...

The birds are getting too close, one's about to land on  his head...

oh, and he's got only one bag of stale bread..

Bag's empty now...

Birds fed! Bag's empty...
Mission, accomplished!

The lifeguard requests a picture with Cap'n America...and Cap'n obliges.

Hurray for Cap'n America!