Sunday, January 03, 2016

Thanksgiving 2015

After 15 years of being married, this Thanksgiving 2015 was my first Thanksgiving in my home with my son. We usually spend Thanksgiving with my mother-in-law, but this time I asked my husband to go by himself and have a longer visit with his mom without having to think of my son and I hanging around, inevitably cutting the visit short. I want him to hang out with his mom as much as he can during the visit as we are not able to see her every week since we live 8 hours away  from her. I know he misses her a lot and wishes we could have dinners with her every Sunday, so he consented to my suggestion. 

Am not a turkey person, neither is my son, so I just baked two cornish hens in lieu of the turkey. Made some side dishes and crackle-top cookies.

We stayed home and had a relaxing good time, reading, watching movies, surfing the web, chatting over tea.

We dressed up a little least the top for the pictures. Down below we were clad in our comfy pajamas! tee hee!

A daisy topped the preening.

Otherwise called crinkles, my son ate them with moose track ice-cream.
(UGH! too much sugar!)

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