Sunday, March 25, 2012

 Sunday afternoons are my favorite. It's when the three of us do things together. We go to church in the mornings, eat out for lunch, go home and take a family nap, eat after-nap snack, hang-out or go for a stroll on the beach and catch the sunset or drive to Barnes and Noble. This afternoon, I excused myself from the walk and decided to make my childhood merienda with Zachary. Palitaw is made with sticky rice cooked in boiling coconut milk and brown sugar. When the bedimpled pieces float, they're cooked. Palitaw basically means to float.

making (mochiko) rice balls

the fun part--- poking a dimple on the rice ball

drop the be-dimpled balls in boiling sugar-coconut sauce

stir (without the britches)
when the palitaws float up to the surface, they're cooked

plate the palitaw

and eat

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