Sunday, May 06, 2012

I indulged myself this morning with a heavy breakfast that I ate at leisure.  Sitting at the table,  relishing my food and sipping coffee in between as I looked through the french door to check on my pink and white bleeding hearts, I noticed the deep purple columbine starting to bloom. I prayed for some sun  for my plants. The past week had been cold and dreary and wet, and I'm afraid I started planting too soon. My lettuces, basil and tomatoes  seem to be stunted.

Organic eggs from homegrown chicken: eggyolks so noticeably almost reddish-orange in color
tukey bacon and brown rice

After a leisurely breakfaast, I went out to my wee garden  to inspect my plants. 

what flower is this?

I noticed this plant growing by my fence as I was pulling out some weeds. It did not look like an ordinary weed so I let it grow till it bloomed like  a burst of sunligtht.

At night, around Zach's bedtime, we decided to  take a short walk to the beach to see if we could see a glimpse of the super moon, ...but the moon had not risen yet.  We did the same last night, but the moon hid behind the clouds.  I guess we'll have to wait till 2029 for the super moon to appear again.
looking for supermoon

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