Monday, July 09, 2012

A bunch of TARO leaves (dashen bush for the Carribeans, gabi for Filipinos) makes good laing...

yup, it doesn't look very appealing, BUT...this laing dish is very delicious! Filipinos usually cook the  heart leaves super sun-dried, I like mine fresh and green cooked with ginger, coconut milk, shrimp paste, and shrimp with lots of chili hotness
(I made this dish a few days back and it gets better every day ...sooo satisfying...)

what do you do when this beauty down the block beckons?

why, go to it, of course! grab your swim suit, flipflops, book, a cold drink and hit the beach!

Zach's in his elements in this environment

Steve has set up ahead of me...

Zach tells me stories...I love to listen to his yappities

As I was eyeing the pretty rosehips (hello rosehip jelly!), I saw a  bunch of these searockets at the beach...I might go back later and pick some to make me salad...;-) and maybe catch the sunset...
yes, catch the sunset

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